Performance Videos
Paul Bowles' "Sugar in the Cane" from the Blue Mountain Ballads
Concerto: One Night in Central Park with Andrea Bocelli and NY Philharmonic as part of the Westminster Symphonic Choir, Central Park, 2011
Verdi's Requiem with the Philadelphia Orchestra as part of the Westminster Symphonic Choir, The Kimmel Center, Philadelphia, PA, 2012
Performing "As I Walk the Silent Earth" as part of The Sisu Choir, 2013
The Mile Long Opera: pawns. rooks. sharks. 2018.
Jason Robert Brown's "If I Didn't Believe in You" from The Last Five Years
"Alleluia" as part of the GRAMMY nominated Westminster Williamson Voices, 2013 "Halley's Comet" from the New York City Workshop of The Return of Halley's Comet by Andrea Green, Shetler Studios, 2011