Canvas LMS Course Design
(Second Edition) Ryan John The revised and updated second edition of Canvas LMS Course Design will be released from Packt Publishing on June 9, 2021! With updated sections for all of the basic and advanced features of Canvas, this book aims to make life easier for teachers using Canvas. This step-by-step guide leads readers through the process of setting up a Canvas account, creating activities and assignments, designing and customizing the course layout, and teaching a course using Canvas. With content geared to help users at all skill levels, this book offers practical and philosophical information to maximize the use of Canvas to improve the lives of teachers and students. Check out Ryan's Interview with Packt about the book and writing process. |

Becoming Musical
Frank Abrahams and Ryan John
Ryan's most recent book with Frank Abrahams, Becoming Musical, is now available! A practical companion to Planning Instruction in Music, their first book, Becoming Musical is written for music education students and practicing teachers seeking to unlock deeper levels of musicality with students. The goal of Becoming Musical is to ensure that students develop and discover their own musicality as they engage with music inside and outside of school in ways informed by musical understanding, musical agency, and learning styles.
In addition, twenty-seven experienced music educators share their approaches to supporting students along the journey of becoming musical people. Essays focus on developing musicality through pedagogical methods such as Dalcroze, Gordon, Kodály, Orff, and Suzuki as well as the use of social media, music theory, movement, and technology in band, choir, orchestra, and working with young musicians.
Contributors include Jennifer Bailey, Daniel J. Beal, Brian Bersh, Jay Broeker, Suzanne L. Burton, Lucas Ciavatta, Ellary Draper, David J. Elliott, Lucy Green, Molly Patrician, Haines, Jason Iannuzzi, Nathan B. Kruse, Ming Luke, Katie Wolf Martinenza, Sean McCarther, Anthony Molinaro, Mark Moliterno, Hannah Picasso, David Reimschussel, Susanna Saw, Alex Schumacker, Marissa Silverman, Gareth Dylan Smith, Janice Smith, Alden H. Snell II, Maria Varvarigou, and Daniel Wells.
Frank Abrahams and Ryan John
Ryan's most recent book with Frank Abrahams, Becoming Musical, is now available! A practical companion to Planning Instruction in Music, their first book, Becoming Musical is written for music education students and practicing teachers seeking to unlock deeper levels of musicality with students. The goal of Becoming Musical is to ensure that students develop and discover their own musicality as they engage with music inside and outside of school in ways informed by musical understanding, musical agency, and learning styles.
In addition, twenty-seven experienced music educators share their approaches to supporting students along the journey of becoming musical people. Essays focus on developing musicality through pedagogical methods such as Dalcroze, Gordon, Kodály, Orff, and Suzuki as well as the use of social media, music theory, movement, and technology in band, choir, orchestra, and working with young musicians.
Contributors include Jennifer Bailey, Daniel J. Beal, Brian Bersh, Jay Broeker, Suzanne L. Burton, Lucas Ciavatta, Ellary Draper, David J. Elliott, Lucy Green, Molly Patrician, Haines, Jason Iannuzzi, Nathan B. Kruse, Ming Luke, Katie Wolf Martinenza, Sean McCarther, Anthony Molinaro, Mark Moliterno, Hannah Picasso, David Reimschussel, Susanna Saw, Alex Schumacker, Marissa Silverman, Gareth Dylan Smith, Janice Smith, Alden H. Snell II, Maria Varvarigou, and Daniel Wells.
Planning Instruction in Music
by Frank Abrahams and Ryan John Ryan co-authored a new handbook for music educators with Frank Abrahams entitled Planning Instruction in Music: Writing Objectives, Assessments, and Lesson Plans to Engage Artistic Processes. As a practical tool for in-service and pre-service music educators, this book is "designed to help music educators develop effective objectives, lesson plans, and assessments for their students, forming the backbone of successful classroom, instrumental, and choral instruction." Part I of the book presents a framework to help teachers meet the demands of contemporary education while maintaining the joy of making music in their classes. Part II features 100 sample objectives that teachers may adapt for their own needs in writing state-mandated growth objectives. Part III includes lesson plan templates and sample lesson plans from 19 experienced music teachers that implement the ideas discussed throughout the text. |

Canvas LMS Course Design (First Edition)
by Ryan John
Canvas LMS Course Design (First Edition) is available from:
Packt Publishing
Packt Publishing has released Canvas LMS Course Design by Ryan John. As a users guide to the popular Canvas Learning Management System, the book includes how-to instructions for designing, building, and teaching courses using Canvas. In addition, the book explores the ways in which Canvas, distance learning, and technology connect to popular frameworks of contemporary education including the P21 Framework for 21st Century Learning and Understanding by Design.
by Ryan John
Canvas LMS Course Design (First Edition) is available from:
Packt Publishing
Packt Publishing has released Canvas LMS Course Design by Ryan John. As a users guide to the popular Canvas Learning Management System, the book includes how-to instructions for designing, building, and teaching courses using Canvas. In addition, the book explores the ways in which Canvas, distance learning, and technology connect to popular frameworks of contemporary education including the P21 Framework for 21st Century Learning and Understanding by Design.
List of Publications and Scholarly Work
Articles, Chapters, and Scholarly Documents:
Conference and Professional Presentations:
- Canvas LMS Course Design (Second Edition)
Packt Publications
June 2021 - Planning Instruction in Music: Online Supplement
GIA Publications
Co-author, Frank Abrahams
September 2020 - Becoming Musical
GIA Publications
Co-author, Frank Abrahams
December 2017
- Planning Instruction in Music
GIA Publications
Co-author, Frank Abrahams
January 2015
- Canvas LMS Course Design (First Edition)
Packt Publications
August 2014
Articles, Chapters, and Scholarly Documents:
- "Honor Their World: Advocacy in the Work of Frank Abrahams"
Peer-reviewed article published in Visions of Research in Music Education, Volume 40
Available at
November 2022 - "A Content Analysis of Student Growth Objectives Created by New Jersey Music Teachers"
Chapter in Connecting Practice, Measurement, and Evaluation: Selected Papers from the 5th International Symposium on Assessment in Music Education
GIA Publications
Co-author, Frank Abrahams
November 2017 - "Part of it All: The High School Musical as a Community of Practice"
Peer-reviewed article published in Visions of Research in Music Education, Volume 24
Available at - "The Impact of Participation in a Musical Theater Production on the Personal Development of High School Students: A Case Study Investigating Communities of Practice and Possible Selves"
Master's thesis
Westminster Choir College of Rider University, Princeton, NJ
May 2013
Conference and Professional Presentations:
- Curricular Considerations: Recording Technology in the Classroom
Presented for the Ambitious Music Summer Music Technology Seminars
Online: August 2020 - Race & Inclusion Professional Development Workshops
Book Study: Why Are All the Black Kids Sitting Together in the Cafeteria by Beverly Daniel Tatum
Co-presenters, Lakiya Burrell, Ryan Barker, Andrea Yost
7 workshops presented for the faculty and staff of Léman Manhattan Preparatory School
New York, NY: August 2017 through August 2018 - "Putting it Together: Data, Assessment, and Feedback in the Arts"
Co-presenter, Hannah Picasso
Presented at the Meritas Teacher's College Data Forum
New York, NY: April 2015 - "A Content Analysis of Student Growth Objectives Created by New Jersey Music Teachers"
Co-author, Frank Abrahams
Presented at the 5th International Symposium on Assessment in Music Education: Connecting Practice, Measurement, and Evaluation
Williamsburg, VA: February 2015 - "A Content Analysis of Student Growth Objectives Designed by Music Teachers to Measure and Assess Student Achievement in School Music Classes"
Co-author, Frank Abrahams
Presented at the IOE-BNU Conference, Learning in a Changing World
London, UK: November 2014